Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Father's Day

My dad is the hardest person to buy for.  What he wants, he usually buys himself.  When it comes to gifts, I have to find something unique. It will have to be a gift he didn't know existed (because if he did, he would already have it).  For other stressed Father's Day gifters, here are some ideas:

{Dad My Hero - book of dad inspired quotes}
{My Dad: His Stories His Words - directed journal for your dad to share his memories with you}

{The perfect folding sports chair for dad complete with a side table and detachable accessory panel} (that hunky model is our chef Aaron Young)

{Themed cutting boards! Your choice, golf or football}    *love these*

{Spaceform - dad, you're a star}

{Dad themed spatulas, great for grilling}

Don't forget the card! {Meri Meri Super Dad card}

Good luck fellow shoppers. I hope this post eases your tension!